Alexander Reise marries Leonie Lamp.


Flynn Flower starts a apprentice at his father's workshop.

Leonie Reise gives birth to Jonathan Reise, whom Alexander Reise names after his father.


Autumn Equinox, On arrival to Wondon, Lady Stefanie orders a set of juwelery for har wedding with David Smith at her aunt, Lady Philomena Flower, at Templeton.

Late Autumn, Lady Stefany Reise hears her niece, Lady Stefanie of Wonden, plans to get married to David Smith. Hence, she asks her to move in with her at Wonden Tower. Then, Lady Stefany and Jonathan Reise will move down at The Claw in the Spring, as they long has desired.

Early Winter, Flynn Flower starts working on a set of juwelery for his cosin, Lady Stefanie’s wedding.


Early Spring, Edwin Rowley marries Dominic Reise at Wonden Tower.

Spring Equinox, Lady Stefany and Jonathan Reise are moving down to The Claw.

Late Spring Leonie Reise gives birth to Nia Reise.

Early Summer, Flynn Flower has finished the set of juwelery for his aunt, Lady Stefanie of Wonden.

Midsommer, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain arrive at Wondon with their Children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee, Hayley Locky as bodyguard.

The Turainians make a short stop at The Lamp at Templeton Before continuing to Wondon Castle.

At Templeton, Kirk Wharton has finished the wedding suits for David Smith and Lady Stefanie, and he wants to deliver the suits at Wondon Tower. His daughter, Claire likes to go with him.

Annika Turain and Claire Wharton forms a lassie team.

Flynn Flower has finished the set of juwelery for his aunt, Lady Stefanie of Wonden.

Together with his parents, Ernest and Lady Philomena Flower, Flynn Flower follows the company to Wondon Castle.

The Sheriff of Templeton, Richie Rowan Brant, follows the wedding guests as guard.

Late Summer at Wondon Castle, Lady Philomena stays at her old apartment with her husband, Ernest Flower, and her son, Flynn Flower.

At the gaurdroom, Richie Rowan Brant is guarding the juwelery for Lady Stefanie of Wonden.

Since Lady Stefany Reise is staying at Wonden Tower with Lady Stefanie of Wonden, Sir Ethan of Turain are staying at the old apartment of Lady Stefany close to his sister Lady Marisa of Wondon at the Castle.

Sharon Turain is staying with Sir Ethan of Turain with their Children, Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and his fiancee Hayley Locky as bodyguard.

Kirk Wharton and his daughter, Claire Wharton, continue to The Old Witch at Wonden Tower with the wedding dresses.

Kirk Wharton have a cosy time at The Old Witch with his sister, Rosalin Warren, while her husband, Christian Warren, informs David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wonden at Wondon Tower.

David Smith and Lady Stefanie of Wonden come to The Old Witch to have their wedding dresses fited.

At Wondon Tower, The old Sir Tomas of Wondon arrives to His daughter's wedding from Wondon Castle, together with Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden.

Lady Philomena and Ernest Flower and their son Flynn Flower arrive with a set of juwelery for Lady Stefanie and David Smith.

Richie Rowan Brant, the sheriff of Templeton, is guarding the juwelery.

The old Sir Tomas of Wondon marries Lady Stefanie of Wondon to David Smith.

The cousin of Lady Stefanie, Flynn Flower, gives Lady Stefanie and David Smith the juwelery he had made for them.

Then Lady Stefanie and David Smith get congratulated by her parents, Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wonden and the rest of the family of Lady Stefanie Smith.

When the brother of Lady Stefanie Smith, Sir Thomas of Wonden, gratulates Lady Stefanie Smith, she's united with her daughter, Sophie Smith.

Chantelle Wood looks happy, and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh of her hands, too.

Flynn Flower takes notice of the adorable Chantelle Wood.

Lady Philomena Flower congratulates them, too.

When wedding ceromony is over, Abe and Selina Walden, Finly Dade, Rowan Frederic and Sherry Owens starts the music.

Flynn Flower is scouting for Chantelle Wood, when Lady Josephine of Guttric approaches him and asks, if he wants to dance. Thus they starts to dance.

At the dancefloor, Lady Josephine of Guttric and Flynn Flower are soon joined by Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky, who forms an other dancing couple.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Moyo Wardon start dancing, kissing and cuddling on the dancefloor, too.

When thre cosin of Flynn Flower, Sir Thomas of Wonden, takes Chantelle Wood to the dancefloor, she's a bit annoyed, but dances with Sir Thomas of Wonden anyway.

Whilst dancing with their partners, Flynn Flower and Chantelle Wood makes eyecontakt with each other.

Flynn Flower likes to dance with Chantelle Wood, and regrets he had start dancing with Lady Josephine of Guttric.

The cosin of Flynn Flower, Maya Reise, enters the dancefloor and interrupt Sir Arnold of Guttric and Moyo Wardon gulbing each other.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and Maya Reise starts dancing for a while, whilst Moyo Wardon starts dancing with Ruddy Locky.

After having danced for a while, Maya Reise kisses Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric and tells him, she is thirsty and like a drink.

Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric takes Maya Reise to the tables with drinks, and offers her one.

When Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric sees her brother, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, leaving the dancefloor with Maya Reise drink with Maya Reise, she wants to join her brother and have a drink, too.

Flynn Flower takes Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric to the tables to give her a drink.

Flynn Flower have a drink, too, and sipping on it, while he's watching Chantelle Wood dancing with his cousin, Sir Thomas of Wonden.

Sir Thomas of Wonden likes to kiss Chantelle Wood, but she's not interested and rejects his approaches.

Chantelle Wood takes Sir Thomas of Wonden to the tables with refreshments.

Chantelle Wood makes sure, she stands next to Flynn Flower and Sir Thomas of Wonden offers her a drink.

While Chantelle Wood is toasting with Sir Thomas of Wonden, she's rubbing her bum at Flynn Flower.

Filled with hatred and jealousy, Moyo Wardon dashes to the tables to smack her boyfriend, Sir Arnold of Guttric, for kissing Maya Reise.

When Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric tries to make excuses, Moyo Wardon kicks him in his balls, too; and tells Maya Reise to stay away from her boyfriend.

Now, Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric gets mad on behalf of her brother, and starts to argue with Moyo Wardon. Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric tells Moyo Wardon, she shall leave her master's genitals alone and that she, as his dressing girl, have no special rights to his genitals.

Meanwhile, Maya Reise tries to nurse Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric by giving him a large hooch to dull his pain.

Moyo Wardon sees it, and Maya Reise have to dodge a stroke from Moyo Wardon.

Now, Sir Thomas of Wonden feels obligated to defend his cousin, Maya Wardon, and starts to argue with Moyo Wardon and backs Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric up.

In the confusion, Flynn Flower takes his chance, and gently squeezes the hand of Chantelle Wood.

Chantelle Wood replies by giving Flynn Flower a kiss, and while Moyo Wardon, Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric and Sir Thomas of Wonden are argueing, Flynn Flower takes Chantelle Wood out on the dancefloor.

Flynn Flower and Chantelle Wood are kissing, cuddling and dancing for the rest of the night until the music stops.

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh want to retreat to The Rooster Claw, and they demand Chantelle Wood comes with them to nurse Sir Patrick Jr., but they allow Finly Dade and his boyfriend, Ruddy Locky, to go to Wonden Town to buy a new instrument for Finly Dade there.

Chantelle Wood protests, because she wants to be with Flynn Flower until he kisses her, and offers to go with her to The Rooster Claw, so they can be together.

Thus, Jonathan and Lady Stefany Reise with their Grandaugter sleeping, Nia Reise, Leonie Reise, Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh, who takes Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh at her arms, because Chantelle Wood is too engaged kissing Flynn Flower, Sir George Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric, Sir Arnold Fern of Guttric, with Maya Reise as his bodygaurd, and Lady Josephine Fern of Guttric with Sir Thomas of Wondon as her bodygaurd are leaving Wondon Tower together.

The days after the wedding, Chantelle Wood have got a crush on Flynn Flower and has a wonderful time with him for rest rest of her time at Wondon.

At The Rooster Claw, Sir William of Wonden finds Flynn Flower with Chantelle Wood.

Flynn Flower had falling for the charming Chantelle Wood, and likes to stay with her at The Rooster Claw until she have to follow Sir Leonard and lady Lady Samantha of Malbourgh when they're heading home for Malbourgh as nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

Flynn Flower have seen his cousins Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wondon excording Sir George Fern of Guttric to The Goblet at Sharton in Guttric.

Three days after the wedding, Sir William of Wonden and Alexander Reise arrive at The Rooster Claw.

The mother of Flynn Flower, Lady Philomena Flower, is looking for him.

Flynn Flower insist to stay at The Rooster Claw as long as Chantelle Wood is there.

Sir William of Wonden promises to tell Lady Philomena Flower, her son is enchanted by Chantelle Wood, but otherwise Flynn Flower is well and sound.

Next morning, Alexander Reise comes back to The Rooster Claw with his wife and Children.

Jonathan and Nia Reise immediately starts playing withn Nigel Scott, Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh and Lay Scott, while Mattie Scott, Leonie Reise and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh have a good time. Chantelle Wood and Flynn Flower are having a good time by them self,

Sir William of Wonden, Alexander Reise and Natan Meligan then continue to Sharton and hope to find Maya Reise and Sir Thomas of Wonden at The Goblet at Sharton..

After having made sure, his son is in safe hands at Guttric Shire and had giving his a bodyguard, Sir William of Wondon and Alexander Reise are heading home to Rooster Claw.

At Rooster Claw, The nephew of Sir William of Wondon, Flynn Flower, is still engaged in cudling with Chantelle Wood, but Flynn Flower agrees to return home to Templeton, when Chantelle Wood has to follow the Malbourghians as they go home.

Sir William of Wonden continues to Wondon Castle, and Alexander Reise to his wife at The Claw.

At the end of Late Summer, Chantelle Wood had been consumed by her love to Flynn Flower, but now she have to realize, she's the nanny of Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh, and has to go to Malbourgh as such. She gets a tender kiss from Flynn Flower and a broch to remember him by, before the depart.

Early Autumn, Finly Dade returns with Abe and Selina Walden and their son Dawe to The Rooster Claw, but without his boyfriend, Ruddy Locky.

The day after, Abe and Selina Walden and their son Dawe continue to Sharton to join their masters at The Goblet

Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh prepare to go home.

Flynn Flower kisses Chantelle Wood good bye, and asks her, to come back to him, when she has finished as nanny for Sir Patrick Jr. of Malbourgh.

When Chantelle Wood and the Malbourghian have crossed the Rooster River, Flynn Flower takes home to Templeton.


Leonie Reise gives birth to Theresa Reise.


Herman Hermanson marries Maya Reise.


Flynn Flower marries Yvonne Lezkowic


Hercule Flower is born.


Eugine Flower is born.